Full Service, Value-Added
Environmental Services Company

Soil Treatment Projects

Project:           Large Mercury Removal Project from Puerto Rico

Location:       Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico

Description:  Managed the loading, transportation and disposal of approximately 13,700 tons of non-RCRA hazardous mercury contaminated soils and debris from the Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico location.  In accordance with EPA’s Record of Decision (RoD), excavation, packaging, transportation and disposal of material were required to be sent to an overseas Subtitle C landfill in Pinewood, South Carolina.  Loading and transportation logistics included waste shipping via truck, barge with acceptance at two different ports, railcars and final trucking and disposal.


Project:           PCB Contaminated Soil Removal

Location:       Gardena, CA

Description: Responsible for preparing and acquiring all requisite permits and plans enabling soil remediation services including but not limited to : QA/QC Air Quality Monitoring, Public Way Encroachment, Storm Water Pollution Prevention, Site Demolition, Shoring, Excavation and Backfill/Grading.  Additional project activities included the excavation of approximately 90,000 tons of PCB impacted soil from a 6-acre former industrial manufacturing location. All material was transported to and disposed at a Subtitle C landfill and/or TSCA incinerator based on its characterization and final disposition. Project also required the preparation of a shoring plan which implemented 3-foot wide slot trenches over approximately 150 linear feet to protect adjacent concrete wall and footings.

Project:           Groundwater Pump and Treat System Installation

Location:       Los Angeles, CA

Description:  Project entailed the installation of two groundwater pump and treat systems and subsurface soil vapor extraction (SVE) piping for the LADWP Power Palms Service Center in Los Angeles, CA. Site construction activities included the installation of two groundwater pump and treat systems, underground double contained groundwater extraction piping, 4” SCH80 PVC SVE piping, concrete wellhead vaults, equalization tanks, hurricane filters, transfer pumps and liquid phase granular activated carbon (GAC) units at two unique sites. Responsibilities also included oversight and training for start-up and Operation and Maintenance for both systems.  Project also included the submittal for operation of a 500 CFM Thermal Catalytic Oxidizer unit that was installed in a later application.

Project:           Soil Remediation and Demolition of Residential Trailer Park

Location:       Gardena, CA

Description:  Project entailed the soil remediation of PCB and high metal soils within an approximate 1-acre footprint located within a residential trailer park without disruption of the active adjacent residential areas.  Project responsibilities included on-site management of the project as well as rerouting and capping of utilities and the demolition of twenty one trailer structures. In addition, oversaw and prepared the plans and permits including traffic control, dust suppression, SWPPP, and a 24-7 continuous air monitoring program whose results were posted on a website for public view.  During the project, it was necessary to design and implement a slot trenching methodology which required careful excavation down to 5-foot for a length of approximately 120 linear feet along a fragile concrete block wall.  Once remediated, the site was backfilled, compacted and graded to stringent tolerances with all support testing and survey reports.

Project:           Demolition, Waste Segregation and Removal at Active Rail Site.

Location:       Queens, NY

Description:  This project encompassed the demolition of multiple above ground structures including old vehicles, large heavy equipment, steel and fiberglass tanks and large concrete bridge structures adjacent to an active rail road site. Additional activities included segregation, loading, transportation, and disposal/recycling of a multitude of waste types consisting of 14,000 tons of soil/ballast, ~ 1500 CY of concrete, ~ 400 tons of creosote impacted wood piling, and ~ 750 tons of construction debris.  Site activities also included air monitoring, dust control, traffic control all under the scrutiny of a heavily unionized organization.

Due to overwhelming response and participation, all July and October appointments are now booked. We anticipate new vouchers to be distributed in 2022!

We thank the community’s participation in making this Household Hazardous Program a tremendous success!